Research database:
- Evaluation of basic functional mobility skills of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease using the modified test “Get-up and Go.”
- Selected determinants of feelings of breathlessness in patients with bronchial asthma.
- The impact of physical exercise in water at 4oC on rheological properties of blood and erythrocyte membrane fatty acid composition - studies on animal models.
- The impact of hydration strategy during prolonged exercise in a hot and humid environment on evolution of physiological indicators of males.
- Teachers of different specialties discipline interactions applied in each areas of interaction on the background of the selected teacher’s personality traits.
- Study of the healing process of damaged cerebral cortex after stromal cell implantation.
- Catholic Sports Association of the Republic of Poland 1992-2004.
- Concentration of selected amino acids in the blood of young healthy men in response to exercise with gradually increasing load, before and after 5-week endurance training.
- The mycological characteristics of sports facilities.
- The impact of intraabdominal pressure on respiratory efficiency of patients eligible for abdominal aortic surgery.
- Kinematic and kinetic characterization of cyclic and acyclic movements in activities of daily living and sports activity on the basis of three-dimensional motion analysis.
- The impact of the destruction of tourist trails in the Tatra National Park on the condition of spruce.
- The impact of the visualization on the effectiveness of special mobility education in young soccer players.
- The consumer behavior in tourism.
- Knemometric assessment of the long bone growth changes in boys in the acute stage of the Perthes disease.
- The impact of physical exercise and sleep deprivation on the concentration of prostacyclin (PGI2), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), interleukin-15 and retinol (RBP4) binding protein-4 in the blood plasma of young healthy men.
- Study of peripheral blood variability in adolescents with Down syndrome.
- The impact of selected somatic and functional abilities and different training stimuli on the development of kinematic parameters of male and female swimmers.
- Rehabilitation of elderly people.
- The impact of cryotherapy on the human body.
- Selected issues of noise formation during physical education classes in gyms.
- Determinants of changes in body composition of children and adolescents from Krakow observed in the last two decades.
- History of tourism in Galicia in the years 1867-1918.
- Concentration of ghrelin, leptin and growth hormone (GH) in prepubertal girls and distribution of adipose tissue in the aspect of varied physical activity (longitudinal studies).
- In vitro studies on the influence of resorbable polymer substrate PGLA, PLTMC, PGLCap, PGCap, on morphology and activity of osteoblasts MG63, fibroblasts L929 and macrophages RAW 264.7.
- Variability and genetic and environmental determinants of selected coordination motor skills – longitudinal family studies.
- The influence of physical exercise on MMP-2 and MMP-9 metalloprotease activity in skeletal muscle of rats.
- The impact of classical massage on indicators values of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
- The influence of physical exercise used in the rehabilitation programme after myocardial infarction on rheological properties of blood, concentration of fatty acids in erythrocytes and serum.
- The analysis of Krakow High School students’ preferences towards tourism products performing the function of physical culture.
- Podoscopic assessment of foot deformity in preschool and early school-aged children.
- The impact of the 5-week endurance training on mitochondrial biogenesis and the relationship between expression of transcription factor PGC-1a and uncoupling protein expression UCP3 in quadriceps of healthy young men.
- Concentration of fungal spores in closed spaces and their impact on human health.
- Dynamics of changes in capacity, energy cost and haematological parameters amongst athletes of different sport levels in relation to training loads.
- Polish tourism periodicals. Historical and bibliographical overview.
- The impact of physical exercise on the prostacyclin release, brain-derived neurotrophic factor and selected cytokines in the blood of athletes specializing in endurance races.
- The influence of physical exercise on the selected haematological and rheological blood parameters and the behaviour of glucose and secretion of counterregulatory hormones in relation to insulin.
- Surgical treatment and rehabilitation of patients with varicose veins of the lower extremities.
- The impact of tourism infrastructure on the quality of water in the Tatra Mountains National Park.;
- The impact of the body structure on physical activity cost value.
- The impact of physiological stress in the form of food and sleep deprivation on steroid hormones concentration and anabolic-catabolic profile in healthy young men.
- The impact of visual and verbal information transfer on learning outcomes of students in the area of swimming competence.
- Władysław Krygowski (1906-1998). Life, work and activities in the field of tourism.
- The effects of electrical stimulation on the expression of mRNA for interleukin-6, brain-derived neurotrophic factor and factors activating mitochondrial biogenesis in isolated skeletal muscles.
- School determinants of young people’s physical activity in their leisure time compared to the impact of family environment.
- The impact of a varied diet during the preparatory period on development of indicators of aerobic and anaerobic efficiency and acid-alkaline balance parameters in athletes.
- Validation of the Polish version of the Neck Disability Index Questionnaire in patients with the pain syndrome of the cervical spine.
- The presence and level of spinal pain discomfort and physical activity in children and adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis as compared to their peers.
- The conditions of morpho-functional results of the 1916-1921 summer sports athletes in swimming breaststroke, taking into account technological advancement and physical burden.
- The comparative analysis of changes in the muscle activity due to fatigue, assessed by means of surface electromyography (sEMG) and mechanomyography (MMG);
- Effect of physical exercise in low temperature water on the physiological and rheological properties of blood in winter swimmers.
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of gait rehabilitation in patients suffering from Huntington’s disease.
- Physiological cost of marching effort.
- Evaluation of vasodilating functions of the endothelium during treadmill training in patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease.
- Effect of body structure on the level of exercise-induced oxidative stress.
- The assessment of muscle strength and exertion load during sport climbing in relation to the maximum possible stress and sport training level.
- Changes in selected physiological and biomechanical parameters and bioelectric potentials (sEMG) of human skeletal muscles.
- Evaluation of impact of the KinesioTaping application after knee and ankle ligamentous injuries on the postural stability improvement.
- Training conditions and sport result in 50km walk on different levels of sport mastery. The present state and prospect of the optimization of sport training model in classical race walking competitions in the light of the Analytical Hierarchy Process.
- Recruitment and selection of children and young people to professional hockey training in Nowy Targ and a proposal of its optimization with the use of the Analytical Hierarchy Process.
- The level of physical fitness and physical activity in young people from Krakow.
- The phenomenon of asymmetric forms in representatives of selected sports disciplines.
- The impact of the movement speed on the level and phase of the bioelectrical activity of biarticular muscles and changes of the angles in the lower limbs joints in patients.
- The nutritional value of the selected foods for athletes.
- The influence of the pregnancy period on gait kinematic parameters in women.
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of gait rehabilitation in patients suffering from Huntington’s disease.
- Study on the impact of physical training on the peripheral blood parameters in patients with chromosome 21 trisomy.
- The effect of the physiotherapy on selected peripheral blood parameters and quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis.
- Effect of visual, hearing and proprioceptive external disturbance on the level of dynamic balance in adults.
- Illegal dispersion – determinants and consequences: the Pieniny National Park example.
- Secular trends in body build and acceleration of maturation in children aged 7-15 from the urban population in light of the psychosocial determinants.
- Time-space indicators analysis in relation to different training loads and somato-functional suitabilities of male and female swimmers aged 11-18.
- Effect of creatine malate supplementation on aerobic and anaerobic efficiency in male short- and long-distance runners.
- The role of physical culture in the creation of tourism product.
- Model assessment of gait and changes in its parameters before and after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
- The effectiveness of “The Mulligan Concept” manual therapy in patients with the upper cervical spine pain syndrome in the light of the author’s own research.
- Grip patterns and morphological parameters of hand in the light of studies using three-dimensional motion analysis system and their implications for the rehabilitation practice.
- The influence of time of day on the physical performance indicator levels and post-exertional restitution in men.
- Searching for individual technique schemes in gait sports based on a three-dimensional motion analysis and physiological cost of exercise of varying intensity.
- The effect of endurance training on the metabolic stability of the human skeletal muscles in relation to the training-induced mitochondrial biogenesis.
- The effect of music/movement exercises on haematological and rheological blood properties in elderly women.
- Gait variability in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee before and after joint arthroplasty.
- Practice and educational ideology of the Old-Catholic Mariavite Church (1906-1935).
- Intermittent claudication: assessment of gait biomechanics and risk of development of exercise-induced systemic inflammatory response.
- Selected factors shaping the course of macro-path of professional burnout in physical education teachers.
- The impact of a standardized physical training on the disease course in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes and associated obesity.
- The study of metabolic, cytokine and hormonal reactions determining human physical performance.
- Body structure, motor fitness and lifestyle and biomedical characteristics of the men population of Krakow.
- Morphological determinants of human motor skills. Stage I: Somatic determinants of motor performance of trained and untrained individuals in different periods of ontogenesis.
- The impact of idiopathic scoliosis in children and adolescents on gait biomechanics disorders.
- Evaluation of the impact of intensive physiotherapy on the efficacy of treatment in patients after the reconstruction of a ruptured Achilles tendon with carbon material.
- Assessment of fungal contamination of the air in new gyms taking into account pathogenicity to humans BSL classification.
- Modern concepts and models of tourism policy.
- The impact of the practiced sport discipline technique on the change of the gait locomotor pattern.
- The problem of tourism development in the mountain national parks.
- Study of metabolic reactions: Cardio-respiratory, hormonal, cytokinal and musculoskeletal fatigue in the physical effort of different intensity with a particular emphasis on the impact of exercise on muscle metabolic stability and re-synthesis of phosphocreatine.
- The human body adaptive capability after physical exercise with a particular emphasis on the physiological and rheological properties of erythrocytes.
- Occurrence of pathogenic and allergenic fungi in the air at the stadium depending on weather conditions.